Coconut Tempeh Vegan Lunch Recipe

Coconut Tempeh Vegan Recipe

Hi, I am back with healthy, tasty recipe. Recently tempeh has been a super famous food for its healthy benefit and delicious taste. And ya I am trying to eat healthier now, I have been reducing oils ( unhealthy oils such as butter, lard), reducing carbs. I am not in an extreme diet but I have been trying to eat healthier.

Aside from its healthy benefit, tempeh is delicious and I have been eating this since I’m a kid, tempeh is so common in Indonesia and relatively cheap. So in this post I want to share tempeh recipe in Indonesian style. In Indonesian cuisine we use a lot of spices, so it might be a little bit troublesome but all the effort will be worth it once you taste how delicious it is!

Coconut Tempeh Recipe


Spice Paste

2 tbsp ground turmeric, if you have fresh turmeric you can use 2 cm of it

4 candlenuts, roasted

1 cm ginger

1 cm galangal

8 shallots

4 garlic

  • Put all the spices in a blender add a little bit water and blend it until smooth,

1 pack tempeh, sliced

250 ml coconut milk

100 gr shredded coconut ( if you hard to find it, you can omit it)



Chicken Powder ( optional)

Cooking Direction

  • Heat a wok, add a little bit oil and the ground paste, cook in medium heat until fragrant and looks a little bit dry.
  • Add the coconut milk, sliced tempeh, salt, pepper, chicken powder, shredded coconut
  • Cook in a medium heat until thick

Grill the tempeh in a pan, I use a nonstick pan so I don’t need to use oil. Grill it until dry and brown. The shredded coconut will taste so delicious once it is dry.

Actually you can fry this tempeh and taste more delicious, in Indonesia it is more common to fry tempeh than grill it. But for healthier option I choose to grill it and it is also delicious! I eat it with white rice and stir fry veggies.

You can store it in a food container in a fridge for about five days to a week. Reheat when you are going to eat it. You can fry, grill or air fry it. This tempeh is full of spice, healthy and delicious.

I hope you like it!

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